Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Planning the Garden

Last year was the first time for us to plant a garden. Some things did ok, others were a total flop. My mom said not to get discouraged or to give up on any one thing yet because the weather here was unusual. Besides all that, our soil is really awful! Here is what we planted last year:
  1. red potatoes
  2. russet potatoes
  3. zucchini squash
  4. yellow squash
  5. green beans
  6. foot long green beans
  7. sweet corn (different varieties)
  8. tomato plants
  9. bell pepper plants
  10. green onions
  11. carrots
  12. radishes
  13. okra
  14. pumpkins
  15. watermelons
  16. cantaloupe
  17. lettuce
  18. broccoli
  19. cucumbers
  20. a few varieties of flowers

This is what I want to plant this year. I'm pretty proud of my plans this year because most of the seeds that I'm planting are either seed I saved from last year or seed that I bought on clearance for 6 cents a pack.

  1. a lot more russets than I did last year
  2. a lot more red potatoes than I did last year
  3. zucchini
  4. yellow squash
  5. green beans
  6. field corn
  7. 3 varieties of tomatoes from seed
  8. bell peppers from seed
  9. jalapeno from seed
  10. onions
  11. carrots
  12. okra from seed I saved from my plants last year
  13. pumpkins
  14. watermelons
  15. cantaloupe
  16. garlic
  17. lettuce
  18. broccoli
  19. cucumbers
  20. sweet potatoes
  21. peach tree (from peach pits)
  22. pecan tree (from pecans I picked up)

I've never done garlic, tomatoes or peppers from seed, or field corn. I'm interested to see what new things they have in the store also. The only thing that did well last year were the potatoes and zucchini, so I can't wait to see what happens this year. The lettuce did ok, but I waited too long to plant it and it turned bitter before we really were able to enjoy much of it. Nothing went to waste though, because I fed the flops to the chickens. (At least the flops the chickens didn't help themselves to first.) ;o)

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