It was such a grey day yesterday, that I decided to play around with the black and white setting on the camera. It was interesting how it gave ordinary things (and not so ordinary) a different perspective.

A fairy gate? I'm not sure what this is supposed to be. It wasn't there, then all of the sudden it was. It's about 1 1/2 feet tall in the middle of a field, in the middle of nowhere.

I was driving along and saw all of these birds in a field. Since we have sandhill cranes who nest around here, I decided to stop and see what kind of birds they were. As it turns out, they were pigeons, which isn't what you expect to see in an empty corn field out in the middle of no where. This actually was only about a third of the birds in the flock. It just made for an interesting photo.

Most of the farmers around here started baling hay is big huge round bales instead of the smaller square bales. It's better for the cattle farmers because they can just put the huge round bales out in the pasture with a tractor and not have to haul hay every day. I saw this stack of round bales on the side of the road and thought it would make for an interesting photo.
1 comment:
The pictures are very nice. Most people use round bales in our area as well.
Have a blessed day!
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