Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Feeling Out of Sorts

I haven't really posted in a few days because when I started this, I decided that if I couldn't post something positive, or put a positive spin on things, then I wouldn't post at all. I can be very negative at times and I don't know what's wrong lately, but I just don't feel positive.

Maybe it's the weather. We've had more of a winter this year than we have in a long time. It's already dropped into the 20's here which is rather unusual for us until February, which is usually our worst month. The weather has been especially yucky the past few days. Rain and mist, mist and rain. I know it's good for the ground and eventually the plants, but it sure makes for a yucky, muddy mess.

Maybe it's the finances. They're really off-kilter. The upside is that we don't have credit debt, so it's not like someone's knocking on our door to take our stuff. The positive thing about our personal situation is that we own our own home, even if it's a little old and needs some repairs (sorry, there's that negative again.) so we don't have to worry about losing our home. As the hubby said this weekend, we do great for a while, then we get into this sense of entitlement and we fall off the spending wagon. It's like "I've been so good for so long that I deserve this." We don't make huge purchases, but $50 here and there adds up very quickly.

At any rate, at least I'm able to recognize that I'm out of sorts and I don't poison other people with my bad moods. I could rant and rave here and people years from now could read it and say, "voluntary simplicity, BAH! Look how much she hates her situation." It's not that way at all, it's just that this is a hard life to choose. Life is never always easy and we're going through a rough patch. This is usually the time that I give to a deserving charity just to remind myself that there is always a WORSE. Maybe the girls and I will do that Friday. We could take some things that they had picked out, toys and clothes and such to a local assistance ministry.

Ok, on to something more productive. My tomato plants are up, as I mentioned. We are so lucky to live in an area that we can start planting outside in about April, although we have to watch out for late frosts. It looks as if every seed that I put in there, including the ones that my youngest and I dropped down past the little dirt pods, came up. I should have plenty of plants to share with my friends here in the neighborhood. It doesn't seem to matter how many times I see it, it just amazes me how there's nothing, nothing, then WHAMO! All of these little green things are poking their little heads above the soil. I promise to take a picture, but my camera is in the car and it's cold out there. ;o)

The youngest and I went on a little walk today, even though the weather is so yucky. OHHHH...I have wonderful news. I stepped on the scale today and I've lost at least 5 lbs. I guess all of the walks that the girls and I have been taking, plus the hiking I've done in the last couple of weeks are starting to pay off. I've also given up soft drinks, for the most part, and am drinking more water and tea.

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