Monday, January 28, 2008
Going High Tech
The installer is coming tomorrow morning. And after the initial panic attack when the hubby told me that he (the installer) has to hook the computer up, which means he has to be able to actually get to the computer, I've been getting more and more excited by the whole thing. So, my task for today is to clean off the desk, clean out from under the desk, and finish cleaning up our room. I'm taking a bit of a break right now because TAH DAH! the desk is clean, except dusting. That's a huge accomplishment. ;o)
The hubby said once that he's going to get me a sign that says "A clean house is a sign of a broken computer." I guess I need to add "...and tractor."
It's all worth it, though. Tomorrow I'll be racing along the internet at the speed of light, or at least at the speed of satellite.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Pepper Seeds

Friday, January 25, 2008
the weather

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Little Sprouts
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Feeling Out of Sorts
Maybe it's the weather. We've had more of a winter this year than we have in a long time. It's already dropped into the 20's here which is rather unusual for us until February, which is usually our worst month. The weather has been especially yucky the past few days. Rain and mist, mist and rain. I know it's good for the ground and eventually the plants, but it sure makes for a yucky, muddy mess.
Maybe it's the finances. They're really off-kilter. The upside is that we don't have credit debt, so it's not like someone's knocking on our door to take our stuff. The positive thing about our personal situation is that we own our own home, even if it's a little old and needs some repairs (sorry, there's that negative again.) so we don't have to worry about losing our home. As the hubby said this weekend, we do great for a while, then we get into this sense of entitlement and we fall off the spending wagon. It's like "I've been so good for so long that I deserve this." We don't make huge purchases, but $50 here and there adds up very quickly.
At any rate, at least I'm able to recognize that I'm out of sorts and I don't poison other people with my bad moods. I could rant and rave here and people years from now could read it and say, "voluntary simplicity, BAH! Look how much she hates her situation." It's not that way at all, it's just that this is a hard life to choose. Life is never always easy and we're going through a rough patch. This is usually the time that I give to a deserving charity just to remind myself that there is always a WORSE. Maybe the girls and I will do that Friday. We could take some things that they had picked out, toys and clothes and such to a local assistance ministry.
Ok, on to something more productive. My tomato plants are up, as I mentioned. We are so lucky to live in an area that we can start planting outside in about April, although we have to watch out for late frosts. It looks as if every seed that I put in there, including the ones that my youngest and I dropped down past the little dirt pods, came up. I should have plenty of plants to share with my friends here in the neighborhood. It doesn't seem to matter how many times I see it, it just amazes me how there's nothing, nothing, then WHAMO! All of these little green things are poking their little heads above the soil. I promise to take a picture, but my camera is in the car and it's cold out there. ;o)
The youngest and I went on a little walk today, even though the weather is so yucky. OHHHH...I have wonderful news. I stepped on the scale today and I've lost at least 5 lbs. I guess all of the walks that the girls and I have been taking, plus the hiking I've done in the last couple of weeks are starting to pay off. I've also given up soft drinks, for the most part, and am drinking more water and tea.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Taking a Break

Friday, January 18, 2008

This is the photo as I took it. It's a photo of my daughter riding at some friends' house. It's a good photo, and I like it.
But, I like it better after I did some cropping. I think this version is more interesting.
Here's another example.
This one is good.
This one is better.
So, I've done some editing and I've changed things on my Etsy shop.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Our Love Story part 2...
A month later, Thanksgiving weekend, he asks me to marry him. (Remember that I just met him 2 1/2 months earlier.) I said yes. He said ok, we'll go Monday and do it. I said wait a minute. Monday? He says yes, I don't want to wait another minute. My head was spinning. This wasn't going according to plan. (I'm a very plan oriented girl. You have to have a plan. The plan can change, but there still must be a plan.) I told him that I wanted a "real" wedding. My mom has had all of her girls get married at her house except me. I wanted to get married at her house. I wanted the dress and the flowers and the angels singing, the whole she-bang.
Remember that my friend wanted to wear red at the wedding? Remember she had suggested Christmas? Remember that I said Christmas was a bit rushed? Well, we actually considered Christmas. The only reason that we waited was that his girls were going to be with their mom at Christmas. We chose the first Saturday after the first of the year that he would have his girls. We were determined that they were going to be there too. In my mind, I wasn't just marrying him, I was marrying them too.
His family was ready to kidnap him and do an intervention. Looking back now, I can understand their point of view. What were we thinking? We got married barely 5 months after we met. We were living together after only 2 weeks, despite what the hubby said at the time. (His reasoning was that since we both still had our own houses, even though we didn't sleep in them regularly, we weren't living together.) I'd like to say that we just got lucky. Reality was that we were determined that this was going to work. We worked like the Dickens to keep everything together and all that hard work has paid off. We are more in love today than we were 12 years ago. He is my best friend, my soul mate, the love of my life.... I could go on and on forever and never be able to put the feelings into proper words.
Oh, and my friend, she didn't wear red. We chose blue instead. ;o)
Our Love Story
This story begins about 12 years ago. I was a single mom who was alone, but secure in her loneliness. Basically, I had decided that men were too much trouble and I had a little bundle of joy to focus on. My friend, who was happily married, wasn't so convinced. She had tried to set me up with a few different male friends, but nothing had clicked. She had even tried to introduce me to my future hubby, but things didn't work out as planned. (He didn't know about the trap, and hadn't shown up as planned, anticipated, expected.) He still kicks himself for not coming that night. Instead I met a jerk, which just further turned me off men and dating, much less relationships.
Lots of months went by. Many things happened in that time, both for me and for him, but those are stories for another time. One day I'm sitting at my friend's house, as I usually did, and she decides one more time to give the Cupid gig a try. She digs out the photos of a company Christmas party to show me how cute Future Hubby was. Actually, that plan rather backfired, because a "bit" of alcohol had been consumed and he wasn't his most attractive at the time. What she didn't tell me was that her husband and Future Hubby were hunting at that very moment, and despite all her denials later, a trap had been laid for the both of us.
We're innocently watching TV or gossiping, or whatever the chosen activity was at the time, when the phone rings. It was her husband and he wanted to know if I was still at their house. When she informed him that I was, he told her to keep me there at all costs, that Future Hubby was coming to meet me. I bolted. She literally had to restrain me to keep me from going out the door. All the protests in the world about not liking men, not having time for a relationship, he's a drunk for Heaven's Sake, fell on deaf ears. So, there I sat, like a condemned woman awaiting her sentence. (Ok that's a bit melodramatic, but I really didn't want to meet anyone new.)
Finally the wait was over. Guess what? He was rather cute and charming and not a drunk at all. We all played cards, laughed, and joked. Things were going good and then my friend gets me rip roaring drunk. Oops. She said later that she figured that he might as well see us in action from the beginning to make sure that he could cope. At the end of the night, I was convinced that I had messed up big time and he'd never want to see me again. I gave him a peck on the cheek (I think... that parts a bit fuzzy) and told him not to be a stranger, or something equally dumb.
The next day, I slept the hangover off. I didn't see my friend again until the day after that, which happened to be Labor Day. She was determined that he was perfect for me, and tried calling him to invite him over, so that we both could see that she was right. He never answered the phone. Told you that I messed up big time, or at least so I thought. ;o)
She, not to be deterred by a little thing like him not answering the phone, proceeds to plan our wedding. She's picking out the colors that she wants to wear (red) which to her means that we get married Christmas Day. I told her that Christmas was a bit rushed, could we possibly wait until Valentine's Day? I was joking, but her husband didn't think so. He told Future Hubby to watch out because we had plans for him. Future Hubby still jokes about his only involvement in our wedding was showing up when he was told.
As it turned out, he did finally answer the phone, but it was a day or two later. She invited him to come over the following weekend. He asks her if he could bring his kids because he'd really like for them to meet me. Gulp! Meet the kids? What if I was wrong and he wasn't so charming? I know he'd met my little one, but she wouldn't have remembered one way or the other. Finally after much foot tapping on her part, I agreed to meet him and his kids at her house the next weekend.
Tune in tomorrow for Part Two of Our Love Story...or You're Getting Married When?
New Yard For the Chickens
- fix the water trough---done
- take down the old fence behind the house so we can brush hog this weekend--done
- brush hog this weekend (including the path to the back)
- start the new chicken fence--done
- start the tomato seeds (Ok I added that one.)--done
So, he welded the water trough up. We took down the old fence, and I 'm going to put it around my small beds in the front to keep the dogs out of my lettuce seeds. We started the new chicken fence, well, it's partly finished. We used wire and posts that we already had. We were so close to having enough hardware cloth, but we didn't want to buy anything we didn't have to so we used what we had. We're going to put sturdier wire on the "patch" when we take another part of the old fence down. That's the barn in the background. I'd like to paint it, but paint is kinda frivolous, so it stays how it is for now. The open part of the barn in the chicken fence is actually the chicken house (Its the black hole the other side of that tree.) It's where I have their laying boxes which is actually a set of old gym lockers that my dad gave me.
We're going to top the whole thing so the chickens can't get out as much. They are something else on my tomatoes! ;o) If you were standing at the fence looking at the chickens, my garden would be behind you. We are moving the chickens to a whole new spot, so the old spot is going to be part of my garden. Can we say wonderful fertilizer? ;o) Part of this whole plan is to cultivate as much grass in the front as possible for the horses to mow. I had part of my garden up there last year, but it doesn't get as much sun and it cuts into the grazing.
Part of what I'm doing for Mother Earth is that I don't have a lawnmower, not even a push mower, or weed eater. We have 3 ecological friendly ones who take turn mowing and weeding. We don't have to buy gas for them, and their "emissions" fertilize the grass they're mowing.
I put the tomato seeds under the grow light last night. It doesn't look like much now, but I planted three varieties of tomatoes. I planted Ace (a large tomato), cherry tomatoes and Roma tomatoes. I've never tried them from seeds before, and I've never tried the Ace or Roma varieties, even from a plant. There is a lady who lives in our neighborhood who is having some hard times. I planted enough seed to share plants with her. (Remember when I said that I was living my grandmother's life? ;o) That's exactly something that she would (and has) do.) I'm going to add pepper seeds, also but I still have to get them.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Planning the Garden
- red potatoes
- russet potatoes
- zucchini squash
- yellow squash
- green beans
- foot long green beans
- sweet corn (different varieties)
- tomato plants
- bell pepper plants
- green onions
- carrots
- radishes
- okra
- pumpkins
- watermelons
- cantaloupe
- lettuce
- broccoli
- cucumbers
- a few varieties of flowers
This is what I want to plant this year. I'm pretty proud of my plans this year because most of the seeds that I'm planting are either seed I saved from last year or seed that I bought on clearance for 6 cents a pack.
- a lot more russets than I did last year
- a lot more red potatoes than I did last year
- zucchini
- yellow squash
- green beans
- field corn
- 3 varieties of tomatoes from seed
- bell peppers from seed
- jalapeno from seed
- onions
- carrots
- okra from seed I saved from my plants last year
- pumpkins
- watermelons
- cantaloupe
- garlic
- lettuce
- broccoli
- cucumbers
- sweet potatoes
- peach tree (from peach pits)
- pecan tree (from pecans I picked up)
I've never done garlic, tomatoes or peppers from seed, or field corn. I'm interested to see what new things they have in the store also. The only thing that did well last year were the potatoes and zucchini, so I can't wait to see what happens this year. The lettuce did ok, but I waited too long to plant it and it turned bitter before we really were able to enjoy much of it. Nothing went to waste though, because I fed the flops to the chickens. (At least the flops the chickens didn't help themselves to first.) ;o)
Living My Grandmother's Life
She loved my grandfather fiercely, and they clung to each other through good times and bad. I always said that I wanted a marriage like that. My sister said they didn't make them that way any more, but I think I got lucky and found just one more guy like Pops. His life was his wife, and even on his death bed, he sent my aunt to buy Granny flowers on their anniversary. He said he hadn't missed a year, and wasn't going to let a little thing like cancer change that.
My grandparents didn't have or want a lot of money. Their basic needs were covered, with a luxury every now and then. They raised a huge garden (probably 2 to 3 acres at any given time) plus they raised cows, hogs, and chickens. They were professionals at "making do". And she was the only person I knew who could have 6-8 people show up at dinner time, add a few things to the table, and everyone walk away thinking it was the best meal they ever had.
Most of what I learned about relationships, hospitality, patience, and simple living I learned from her. I think I like living Granny's life. ;o)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Today's Chores
While he was doing that, I gathered up a bunch of loose hay to put in the chicken nests and to scatter on the ground for the chickens and ducks to eat. The ducks always crack me up because they get so excited about anything new added to the yard. I also cleaned out the duck and chickens' water tubs and refilled them.
Tonight I joined my first blog challenge. Melinda over at Elements in Time has challenged us to grow one new thing this year from seed. (Follow the link over there on the side.) Then we have to write about it on our blog. I'm really looking forward to the garden this year, as we have added a lot of organic material to our garden spaces. I'm hoping to get a better crop this year than last.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Today on the Farm
Today is the day the farrier comes. We only have the horses trimmed. It won't be a while yet before we put shoes back on them. For the most part, the horses are only ridden around the farm, and we're lucky enough to not have too many rocks or other things that would hurt the horses' hooves.
So, since things are so slow, the hubby and I decided to do a little weekend getaway for our 12 th anniversary. We went to a really nice state park a few hours away and did some hiking and sightseeing. We has some beautiful weather, so we took advantage of that and got some much needed exercise, am I sore today, though. I have muscles that hurt that I was unaware that I even had! It was a wonderful weekend and we've decided that we need to get out more often and to take the girls when we go. I need to get into better hiking shape before my mother-in-law and I go to see the rock art in west Texas.
Well, I better go, the hubbs and the farrier should be here any time.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A Bit of a Break

My cousin lives on a lake that is absolutely incredible! Her house is on a pretty steep hill, so they use this trolley system to go down to the water.

On the way back, I stopped at an incredible state park. I only spent an hour there, but I took some great shots.

So, back to the farm. Not much happens around here this time of year. Seed catalogs have started to arrive in the mail, but, my favorite catalog is the chicken catalog. (My nickname from the kids is the Chicken Lady.) The hubs and I want to update the flock this spring. We never seem to have enough eggs to meet demand, so we're going to go with some production reds this year. I also need to start getting my potato bed ready. My pops always said that bare root roses and potatoes need to be in the ground by Valentine's Day (at least in our area). The few potatoes I planted last year did so well, the hubs and I want to plant a lot more.
This spring I also want to plant some fruit trees and pecan trees. I might buy a couple of trees, to get a head start on the fruit, but I want to plant some from seed to see if I can do it.
So, the final thing is that I've opened a site on Etsy. I was trying to think of crafts to sell, and I might do that eventually, but something that I have now is photos. So, I'm going to see how that does. The address is I'd really appreciate you looking at it and telling me what you think.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
More Pictures from my Wanderings

Friday, January 4, 2008
What I See

Our State Flag
Texas Longhorns
A pump jack
A white tailed deer
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
I should crawl back in bed, but I have so many thoughts racing in my head here lately, I thought that I'd try to make sense of them all.
The first is that I feel so blessed. I would say that it's the New Year or the holidays that brings on these thoughts, but I know that's not right. I lie awake at night sometimes thinking how very lucky I was to find the man sleeping next to me. I'm almost afraid to voice it, afraid it will break the spell and he'll disappear, but every morning I wake and there he is. I think I'll live the feeling for now and worry about tomorrow when it gets here.
He bought me the very best gift this year for Christmas. Sometimes for holidays, I wish that he would just pay attention to what I ask for through out the year instead of asking for a list and then buying only the things on the list. It's kinda like shopping for myself and him wrapping the gifts. I'm not really complaining, I know it could be worse, just expressing a desire. Sometimes I wonder if I expect too much from him, expecting him to know my inner most wants and desires. More the desire that he knows my inner wishes, than the actual physical thing he bought. (Does that make sense?) And then, he goes and does something wonderful!
This year he bought me one of those metal fire ring thingys. You know the kind with grate and looks like a big bowl on legs? It wasn't on the list. With money being the way it has been, I would never have asked for such an expensive gift. I wouldn't want to hurt him by making him think he couldn't provide for me. But, there under the tree was one of my heart's desires. When I opened it, he said "I know it wasn't on your list. But, every time we walk past them, I notice that your eyes stray right to them." Is he not the best, most observant sweetie ever? :o)
I was reading a blog post the other day about happiness and how sometimes TV and glossy magazines can undermine our simple lives and happiness. In a way, I agree, but I also feel that if you're basically happy with your lifestyle, it doesn't matter what temptation you're presented with. I love my little house with the big goofy dog, who has such an adoring look that you can't help but feel worshipped. I love my crazy children who leave creative messes for me to clean up. Other people have asked "You're going to LET them do that?" And my response is "Yes, as a matter of fact I am!"
Perfect example....the 11 year old wanted to have her friend over for New Year's Eve. We had decided to pass on the neighborhood party, and she was feeling a bit left out since the 13 year old was going to the party with some friends of ours. She asked her friend over to spend the night and bring the new year in with a creative bang. She had attended a gingerbread making party a couple of years ago, and thought that would be fun. We (me, my daughter and her friend) stopped at a dollar store on the way back to buy stuff for their party. I told the girls to buy anything that they found interesting for the house. My daughter leaned over to her friend and said "I bet you never heard that before, huh?" I wanted to stop and hug her right there in the store. I have officially earned the cool mom status!
I watch the home improvement show, and I hear about people chasing happiness one dollar at a time. If I were given the chance today to trade my life for all the money in the world, "I'd say nahhh, no thanks. I'm good."
I've just noticed that the big goofy dog snores just like the hubs. I guess that's part of the reason I like him sleeping in my room. It sounds like the hubby is still at home tucked away in bed. Funny, the comforting sounds you get used to hearing. We only let the "outside" dogs in when it's really cold outside. Ok, really cold by Texas standards. ;o) Lucky, the big goofy dog, seems to understand that this is the only time he's allowed in. He won't push past you to sneak in, and on cold days he stands at the door with this look, as if he's asking to be allowed in. He also seems to know that he's only allowed in our room when the hubs is gone, otherwise he's content to sleep in his usual spot, right outside our door. I would let him in all of the time, but the hubs thinks he's too much to walk around in our little house. He is a BIG dog!
Well, I do think that I will head to back to bed now. The kids are going to their adopted grandparents' house to finish Christmas, and I'm off on a creative mission. I need to figure out how to bind the youngest's quilt. Any excuse to go to Joann Fabrics. ;o) I'll post about the quilt and what I've learned about making it later. I also think I'll dig back through some of my old photos I've taken and post some of them also.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
A Pattern I Can Live With

This is the top and middle section of the quilt. It has six different 9 piece blocks. It's two blocks across and three blocks down. I couldn't get a picture of the whole thing at once.

This is the middle and bottom section of the quilt.

I started by sewing the pieces into long strips. Then I sewed the long strips together. I think I'm just going to use binding tape to finish the edges.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
True Confessions of a Self-Proclaimed Pack Rat...
Ok, I promised the hubby that now that the holidays are over, I would clean our room up. So, since the kiddos are staying at a friend's house, I decided that I would plunge in and get it done.
I have to say that I am truly embarrassed by the state of this room. I won't go into all of the gory details, but you would not believe the junk that I've pulled out of the little nooks and crannies. Old sale papers, pens, junk mail, toys and nick-nacks that need repaired. I feel my room letting out this huge sigh of relief as I unburden it with the clutter.
He asked me last night what I want for my birthday. I wonder if he'd think I'm weird if I asked for shelves? Strike that..he knows I'm weird. ;) Do I want shelves more or goats....hmmmm.
Ok, I'm diving back in!
How We Got Started...part 2
Anyway, I was talking about the animals... At the time, the house was our major "homesteading" thing we did. We gave up a "big fancy house" to move into the neighborhood "crack house". After we moved it to the 15 acres, we added a hallway and a portable building that my dad bought for $50. The portable building became our bedroom. People still had comments to make about how we lived, but for the most part, we ignored them.
There were times that we both got so frustrated what the amount of things that needed to be done that we almost gave up and went and bought a new house. Luckily for us, I'd get frustrated at different times than he did, so we'd be able to talk the other one out of rushing out and signing our lives away.
New people who met us and came to our house commented on how much love was here and how comfortable they felt in our home. Those were the kind of people that we wanted to be friends with, not the ones thinking that we needed a big, fancy home.
I had never even heard of "homesteading" until we went to visit a Haflinger ranch that was owned by a husband and wife. We stayed for the day, thoroughly enjoying ourselves with these neat people we had just met. Their ranch was run on horse power. The horses were their tractors, they tilled their garden, pulled logs, etc. We had been having a wonderful day, when the wife asked me if I had heard about the Homesteading Movement. Of course, I thought about "homesteading" your house to lower your property taxes. She kinda laughed, then explained what it was about. Hmmm...could it be that we had been homesteading all this time and didn't even know it? I thought we were just living like my grandparents and parents.
We came home, and I did a web search on homesteading. The hubby walked past me, saw what I was looking at and said, "you're not serious, right? I like air conditioning and TV." You see, he's been married to me long enough to know that when I'm interested, I tend to jump in with both feet. I assured him that I wasn't going to take away all of his toys, that I was just looking for ideas to lower our grocery bill, maybe raise a garden, and farm fresh eggs are much better! He gave me a half hearted "ok" but he was still suspicious. The poor dear, he knows me too well for his own good. ; )
Well, after a while, even he was interested in some of the topics I was reading up on. He hates writing that check out to the light company every month, and it seems to get higher and higher, but when we got serious about looking about going off grid...well, lets just say that it's not in the budget. Shoot! I have managed to ease him into a few other things. He loves fresh homemade bread and the fresh veggies from the garden cut our grocery bill quite a bit. We discussed raising animals for meat for the freezer, but neither of us have the stomach for butchering and butcher shops around here charge so much just to butcher the animal, that it's cheaper to buy meat on sale in the store. And he certainly doesn't mind me cleaning the barn out to put in the garden!
So, I say all of this, and I've probably forgotten a few things, because the thing about homesteading is that you can pick and choose the aspects that work for you. You don't have to jump in with both feet, like I would have, at least until the 100+ temps of August. You can pick and choose things that work for you in your current circumstances. The things we have accomplished have been over years, and things that we want to accomplish will take even more years. Our farm has a life of it's own, and sometimes it's just like watching a child grow and develop.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The Beginning of How We Started Homesteading
Happy 2008
Now that Christmas is over with, I'm already thinking about what I want to plant in my spring garden. I bought a bunch of seeds on clearance at the end of the season last year. I think I paid about six cents a package for most of them. We had a lot of luck with squash, potatoes, green beans, and okra. This year I'm going to try and raise my own tomato seedlings, as my mom gave me my grandma's grow light. I'm also going to try to raise some fruit trees from seeds. A friend gave me a huge lemon off of her tree, and I read an article about how to start your own. My other grandmother had a lot of luck planting peach pits from peaches that she bought in the produce section.
The hubby and I were walking around outside this morning and we've decided to try and get some goats. We have 15 acres, but about 12 of them are heavily, heavily wooded. I eventually want to get some of the Spanish goats, because from what I've read, they make good pets. I want to be able to milk them to make soap. But, for now, we're going with miniature goats because they'll be easier to contain.
While we were walking around, checking things out, we discovered that our water trough has a hole in the bottom. He's going to fix that today. He wants to move it so that our Haflinger can't chase the other horses and knock the auto waterer off.
I've added some new things on the side under my profile. I finally was able to post some pictures that are permanent. I also joined a homesteading blogger group, and the link for that is a little further down.
Well, that's about it for now. It's a beautiful day outside and I really want to get some things done today. I may fire up the old tractor and start hauling "horse compost" into the gardens. Yep, I compost the easy way....let the horses do it ; ) !
Everyone have a blessed New Year! As my middle daughter said at 12:03 am last night, it's going to be a much better year this year, I promise! ;)